According to figures from the World Health Organization , each year 2.8 million people die from obesity, regardless of region or ethnicity. ...
According to figures from the World Health Organization, each year 2.8 million people die from obesity, regardless of region or ethnicity. However, a new study highlights that obesity by itself does not increase the risk of death if the person is healthy.
Researchers at the University of York found that people who have healthy metabolic obesity, but no other medical conditions, are not at greater risk of life than other people. That is if the person is overweight but in good health, her life is not in danger. This comes drastically changes the conception that we culturally have of obesity.
Healthy metabolic obesity, according to experts, occurs when the body gives a different metabolic response to obesity, which does not compromise the person's health status. Therefore, it could be said that metabolically healthy obese people are those who are protected from the complications that obesity brings.
Overweight or obese?
According to the United States National Library of Medicine, obesity is not the same as being overweight. While an obese person has a lot of body fat, an overweight person may have not only body fat but also more muscle mass or fluid retention.
For the WHO, the fundamental cause of overweight and obesity is an energy imbalance between calories consumed and expended. In addition, unhealthy eating and lack of physical exercise can lead to being overweight.
To find out if a person is considered obese or overweight, a formula called Body Mass Index is followed, which calculates the level of fat in the body based on the person's height and weight. If you want to calculate your BMI you can use some specific calculators for it.
Problems associated with being overweight
The revealing study indicates that people who are overweight but do not have other health problems, such as those associated with obesity, do not have a higher risk of death than people without health problems.
However, overweight and obesity commonly bring certain health problems, such as:
High Cholesterol and Triglycerides
Heart failure and stroke.
Bone and joint problems
Sleep apnea
Gallstones and liver problems
avoid obesity
Being overweight and obese can be prevented. Although they may have a genetic component, the truth is that much can be done on an individual level about it. If you are a little overweight and feel healthy, it is a very positive thing for you, as indicated by the experts. But you must continue on the path of wellness by doing things that are good for your body and mind to avoid further weight gain.
We can talk about healthy overweight when your health is in optimal conditions, that is when you do not have diabetes or high cholesterol, hypertension, or cardiovascular problems, all of which are often derived from being overweight or obese.
In the meantime, the WHO recommends following these tips to avoid obesity:
Limit intake of fats and sugars
Drink at least 2 liters of water a day
Get regular physical activity
Feeling good depends on oneself
In recent decades, image culture has caused many people to have a somewhat distorted view of their bodies. The standard proposed by the big brands does not always fit with the common women and sometimes that frustrates us a bit. However, it is about loving ourselves as we are, appreciating our bodies full of vitality, and feeling fulfilled with what we are, and with what we do with it.
Choose healthy foods to bring to your family table, go for a family walk or bike ride, or choose the stairs over the elevator. These decisions will help you stay active and energetic, even if you have a few extra pounds.
It is very important to follow a healthy diet and lead healthy lifestyle habits, but just as important as that is learning to love oneself with what God gave us. Keep taking care of your body to feel good every day. Health is a fundamental component of a happy life.